Answers to questions about Aloehydrate

Absolutely! The Aloe Gel we use is from a single source whose farms are certified organic by the International Aloe Science Council or IASC. Whats more is that our Aloe is raw Aloe Gel juice derived from the inner leaf or filet. We do not use Aloe powder and add water. You can see this in the ingredients listing. The first ingredient is the most abundant

Yes. Our product specifications require us to use cosmetic grade or better.

Sodium PCA (NaPCA) is the primary humectant in Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF). NMF is a group of water soluble compounds formed naturally in the outer layer of your skin and contains key ingredients needed to keep you skin healthy. Some key compounds include Amino Acids, Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (PCA), Urea, Glycerin and a variety of salts. The role of NMF is to keep your skin hydrated, supple and healthy. Over time and exposure to the elements their concentrations decline making it more difficult to keep you skin healthy. Since your skin is the largest organ in your body and protects you from infections, wounds and dehydration it is very important to keep is healthy. To read more on Natural Moisturizing Factor and NaPCA go to our NaPCA ingredients page.

AloeHydrate’s products are proudly made in the good old USA! In fact in Southern California where we partner with several companies who help us. They help by fabricating our bottles, beautifully decorating them and then precisely mixing our formula and filling them according to good manufacturing practice.

Our mascot “Froggy” was a whim thought up during a brainstorming session trying to come up with creative names; didn’t spend much on Froggy. She’s just fun, but she does represent how critical hydrated skin is to a healthy life. 

We believe the 8.4 oz (250ml) countertop bottle has a little over 1650 pump sprays to it. And the 2.0 oz (60ml) travel bottle has about 400 sprays to it. This is based on each pump delivering a volume of 0.150ml of AloeHydrate.